What an albatross, a whale, and a tortoise taught me about aging
Wisdom the albatross, bowhead whales, and Jonathan the tortoise taught me to age well. We equate aging with loss, and often forget that aging has bonuses, too. Age contains stories and experience, wisdom and strength. As more time passes, the more I understand that every moment counts. Aging has shown me what matters, and just important, what doesn’t. My capacity for love, gratitude, generosity, vulnerability, and openness increases every day. The older I get, the more I value my relationships and community.
In Indigenous cultures, as in nature, aging is the ultimate prize. Artists of all mediums also understand the power of aging. I know my writing now is better than it was 10 years ago, and 10 years from now it will be better still. I think it’s one reason I was drawn to becoming a writer — it’s a skill that gets better with age.
Aging is a privilege denied to many. Having nearly lost my battle with cancer several times, I know how lucky I am to be here, how fortunate I am every day to get another day. Nature understands this, too. Nature is filled with examples of individuals and species that get better with age and defy stereotypes. Below are three of my favorite nature stories about the gifts of aging.
The many loves of Wisdom the albatross
Wisdom, a senior female Laysan albatross, is a prime example of how to thrive in old age. She was banded in 1956 by legendary ornithologist, Chandler Robbins. He died in 2017, so Wisdom has outlived the man who most closely studied her — something no one would have believed nearly 70 years ago when they first met.
This species is monogamous and mates for life. Wisdom has outlived at least three mates. Scientists estimate she’s had 50–60 offspring in her lifetime. Not too shabby for a bird who was rearing young during the Eisenhower administration.
At the ripe old age of 74, Wisdom is preparing to welcome another chick early this year with her current, much-younger mate. 74 is ancient for this species. The average age in the wild is 30 and after Wisdom, the next oldest known Laysan albatross is 45.
Losing someone we love, especially someone we’ve built a life with, is a painful and difficult loss. I admire Wisdom for embracing every new chapter, for leaving herself open to the possibility to love in every season of her very long life.
Whales sing to survive
Bowhead whales are the longest-living mammal species. In 2007, a harpoon tip was found in the blubber of a bowhead whale; the harpoon was from the late 1800s. Recent research has found they can live to be over 200 years.
Bowheads live in the Arctic Seas, some of the harshest environments in the world. They’re able to thrive there because of their strong communications skills; studies have shown they have as many as 184 distinct songs composed of a vast array of sounds. They use these songs to find food and navigate in a world dominated by icy darkness. Their strong sense of community and their ability to freely and generously share information with one another helps them thrive despite the challenges in this difficult ecosystem.
Slow and steady, Jonathan the tortoise wins the race
Jonathan the Seychelles giant tortoise is an animal who helped save my life. He lives on the island of Saint Helena off the southwestern coast of Africa. The oldest known living land animal, he’s estimated to be a minimum of 192 years old, born decades before the U.S. Civil War.
When I was going through cancer treatment, I’d often find myself staring at the ceiling at 3am, wracked with anxiety and worry. I’d switch on Wonder, a Calm app sleep story by Matthew McConaughey, and he’d talk about how somewhere in the world Jonathan was turning his face up to the stars, pondering the passing of another day. Though the world had radically transformed during his lifetime, Jonathan lived moment-to-moment, taking life as it comes. Thinking about Jonathan, I’d feel my breathing slow, and my mind would stop racing. He lived life day-by-day, savoring each one. I could do that, too. We all can.
Nature provides all the insight and inspiration I need aging. All these animals have much to teach us about living long and well into our golden years: Embrace love, nurture community, share openly, sing, and live each moment. I have no need for the anti-aging products that glut the market and my social media feeds. I’ll stick with the 3.8 billion years of experience amassed by nature and offered to us by our elders such as Wisdom, bowhead whales, and Jonathan. As they say in the movie When Harry Met Sally, “I’ll have what they’re having.”