The good news from 2023
“Sometimes I think heaven is just a new pair of glasses…if I put on the better pair of glasses, I really notice what’s still working [well in this world].” ~Anne Lamott
As I look around at our world plagued by war, the climate crisis, and a seemingly endless stream of difficulties, I’ve been thinking a lot about Anne Lamott’s quote about putting on a better pair of glasses and operating from that lens. It doesn’t mean I’m ignoring the challenges and their scale; I’m seeing them alongside the progress, joy, and good news that’s alive in the world. A sampling of good news if you need a boost:
- Transplanted corals in the Caribbean showed a 98% survival rate
- Electric car sales are up 68% over last year
- The FDA approved the first medication for postpartum depression and the first over-the-counter birth control pills, improving access to necessary healthcare for millions of women. New treatments for Alzheimer’s, diabetes, and obesity were also released, along with the use of AI to find breast cancer at its earliest stages when it is often missed in traditional mammograms.
- The new President of Brazil has slowed deforestation by 48% in only the last 8 months
- A 10-year project turned Latin America’s largest landfill into a thriving mangrove forest
- A hole in the ozone layer is on track to completely disappear
- A universal flu vaccine begins trials
- Southern white rhinos are now back in the Congo after 17 years