My letter to President Biden after the World Central Kitchen tragedy in Gaza
In the aftermath of the World Central Kitchen tragedy that took the lives of 7 humanitarian aid workers in Gaza this week, I wrote a letter to President Biden on Wednesday evening. The text of my letter is below. My hope is that my letter will inspire other people to not just post on social media but also to write to all of their elected officials and policy makers as a way of pushing for change at a system level.
“Dear President Biden,
On the news tonight, I heard you’re speaking to Prime Minister Netanyahu tomorrow. I know you receive a multitude of letters and that mine will likely never reach you but I’ve been so racked by grief at the tremendous loss of life in Gaza, especially the aid workers from World Central Kitchen, that I had to write to you.
This war’s made it unsafe for Americans to be abroad and unsafe to be Jewish, even in a city as diverse and accepting as New York City, where I live. This war is starving millions of people. It’s killed tens of thousands, the majority children and women. It’s maimed, disabled, and orphaned an untold number of innocent people. The people of Gaza are penned in with nowhere to go, no safe passage out and no safe space within.
I know the situation is complicated. I know the Jewish people have suffered for decades, for centuries. I know October 7th was a horrific unspeakable act by Hamas. And I also know what Netanyahu’s government is doing now is as cruel and inhumane as what has been done to them. The people of Gaza and Israel deserve better. They deserve peace. Netanyahu will never give them peace. And so, we have to use every resource we have to stand for peace: A stop on weapons, funding, and support for Netanyahu.
The second term of your presidency is on the line, and with it the future of our nation and the world. We’re asking you to lead, to protect us, to stand on the side of humanity and peace, and that means we cannot stand with Netanyahu. That way lies another Trump presidency, more anti-Semitism, and more anti-American sentiment. We and the world cannot afford any of that.
This war must end and Netanyahu must go. And you must be the one to take that stand. It’s as simple and as complex as that. I know it’s painful. I know it’s difficult. It must be done and you must do it, for all our sakes.
Sincerely yours,
Christa Avampato”