Encouraging hashtags for writers
If you’re a writer looking for some encouragement in your process, I got you. There are so many of us out here and you are not alone on your journey. If you walk your fingers over to Twitter, check out these hashtags for encouragement, resources, and inspiration:
#NaNoWriMo (stands for National Novel Writing Month):
Every year in November thousands of people around the world attempt to write 50K words in a month. It’s how I wrote the first draft of my first novel. I’ll be participating again this year to work on a completely new book — historical fiction romance set in an Italian bakery in New York City during the early 1900s.
#MSWL (stands for manuscript wishlist):
Agents and editors tell you what types of books they’re looking for. Great if you’re in the query writing stage.
Started by author Claribel Ortega, this is an encouraging stream of tweets from authors attempting to complete their current manuscripts by December 21, 2019.
Now open for submissions, this is a way for non-agented authors to get their current pitches in front of agents for their consideration.
Happy writing, friends. We’re in it together!